Building a new brand is a daunting task. After all, branding defines the core message and values of your organization, product or service, and it supports and directs all marketing and sales efforts. The brand is what customers and potential customers think of when they hear the name of your company. Effective branding conjures both positive factual and emotional associations to your products and services. For example, consumers have developed such an affection for Target stores that it is commonly referred to as “Tar-jhay” and thought of as a place for affordable and chic products. The affordable chic motif runs throughout all of Target’s marketing efforts. The following steps will help you successfully launch your new brand:
Building a new brand is a daunting task. After all, branding defines the core message and values of your organization, product or service, and it supports and directs all marketing and sales efforts. The brand is what customers and potential customers think of when they hear the name of your company. Effective branding conjures both positive factual and emotional associations to your products and services. For example, consumers have developed such an affection for Target stores that it is commonly referred to as “Tar-jhay” and thought of as a place for affordable and chic products. The affordable chic motif runs throughout all of Target’s marketing efforts. The following steps will help you successfully launch your new brand: