Link building is a daunting, ever changing task. You have to be smart about your strategy you’re your approach. You also have to be up-to-date on the most current methods as the rules to the game change frequently. Since the beginning of SEO, link building techniques have been abused by SEO’s all over the world. As such, Google is cracking down and punishing questionable link building practices.
There are, however acceptable methods to link building the proper way. Such as adding true value to others with the creation and sharing of helpful content, user generated content on your site, and also RCS (Real Company Stuff.) There is no short cut to a properly executed link building campaign. But if done the right way, subsequently the hard way, it will result in steady gains on your sites domain authority and will cause it to rank well for your target key words.
Take a look at the following graphic created by yourgreenpal which spells out the proper methods, the improper ones, and the associated risks. Remember, there are no shortcuts to a solid link building campaign, do it the right way as outlined here, and you’ll see a steady performance in your SEO efforts.
Top image credit: deviantart/vishalpandya1991