Podcasts are today's radio shows. Over the past few years, they've shown promising growth as smartphones have surged in popularity, allowing listeners to connect with their favorite hobbies without devoting 100% of their attention to the topic.
This passive consumption has made podcasts one of the most versatile and impressive forms of content in the world — one that will only grow, as far as the numbers say.
Marketers can use podcasts in two major ways, both of which are viable options for building brand awareness and establishing themselves as an authority in their niche.
1. Start a podcast themselves
2. Advertise on existing podcasts in their niche(s)
By taking on these initiatives, brands encourage their potential customers to engage with them as frequently as possible.
That means someone can engage with your business even if they're just walking to work! They're ideal for waiting rooms, long lines, shopping — anywhere someone can use headphones, they're listening to podcasts.